Artist statement


《 生きるとは 》

大瀧は、「Internal spatial expression beyond physical reality-Life Considerations」(物理的現実を超えた内面的な空間表現-人生の考察)を主題に2016年より、舞台芸術(心理劇)として人間の精神における意識の瞬間的変革がもたらす人生好転の契機、そしてその表現の研究・創作を続けています。







Instantaneous Transformation of Consciousness
《 What it means to live 》

Since 2016, Otaki has been researching and creating performing arts (psychodrama) based on the theme of “Internal spatial expression beyond physical reality-Life Considerations”. The company has been researching and creating the opportunity for life improvement brought about by the momentary transformation of consciousness, and its expression.

Physicist Einstein's special theory of relativity showed that time and space are not absolute but interrelated. Through this theory, Einstein showed that the flow of time depends on the state of the observer.

This idea suggests that individual events are fixed in this space-time. This places each individual life as a single event in space-time, so that death is also understood as part of this unified space-time.

The beauty of the harmony and laws of the universe as presented by special relativity also influenced Einstein's philosophical perspective. He deeply respected the order and harmony behind the universe and from this perspective believed that death should also be accepted as part of the cosmic order.

As mentioned above, the concept of the “world of death” has been studied in many fields, including philosophy, religious studies, cultural anthropology, and science. What we can see through these is that death is not just an end, but plays an important role in the formation of human existence, social values, and culture. The concept of death is part of the meaning of life, and its universality and diversity are key to a deeper understanding of how humans live, relate to others, and construct society.

In the performing arts, Otaki sees the expression of the concept of death as “exploring human experience and emotions,” “promoting empathy and solidarity,” “deepening cultural and religious understanding,” “providing psychological catharsis,” “promoting ethical and moral dialogue,” “educating and enlightening,” and “expressing beauty and creativity,” thereby Otaki sees the performing arts as “providing opportunities for deep reflection on human existence and the values of society.”

These thoughts of death, individual people, their lives, and their inner space are the origin of “AMENO” and “Uzme,” Otaki's stage work creation, physical dance expression, and art jewelry creation with precious metals, which embody the very essence of dance that brings about instantaneous transformation of consciousness.

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